Salt Water Vibes

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Devils Head

stairway to 9,000 ft magic

When I was little I HATED hiking. But now that I am older and wiser I can't get enough! Hiking with my mama has turned into one of my favorite activities. We opted for Devils Head to check out some changing leaves before I head back to Hawaii! I have done this hike 3 times now and each has been even more rewarding.

Your final destination after 1.5 miles and 143 steps will lead you to this amazing fire watch tower! The best part about this hike is you can see 100 miles in all four directions. Its proven to be one of the most scenic hikes in Colorado.

We came just in time to see the start of fall! It is one of the best times of year in Colorado in the Mountains. It is beautiful! Our Aspen trees are my favorite in fall because of the deep gold the turn.

The trial head is clear the entire way to the top! It is important to stay on the trail and not deviate from it. Also as tempting as it may be to cut the switch backs please do not! You don't not want to risk injury.  

I love this hike because of all the amazing rock formations in the distance. They blow my mind and are so stunning! Plus the fall leaves surrounding make it a beautiful view.

We did our hike at the perfect time of day! We started at around 9 am when it wasn't to crowded or hot. In fact I was relatively chilly this hike because of the shade form the trees and the altitude incline! 

Now that I am older, I can really appreciate how beautiful Colorado is. These views were so amazing. 

Target is my go to place for Workout gear as well as Nike! And you'll rarely see me with out my braids! Having hiking boots on is my favorite :) Not that I don't love my barefoot trecks in Hawaii, it feels good to be in the right gear here! 

Once you get to the stairs and fire lookout you will probably be super excited and scared at the same time. My mom is afraid of heights but she has done it twice! The rails are great and I promise if you just look down at your feet you will be fine! It is so so worth it.

The fire lookout is amazing! You can walk all the way around and see 100 feet in every direction! Plus Billy will be inside and happy to talk or answer any questions! He has amazing pictures and articles taped all over the walls it is so neat.

These were my two favorite things. A list of people who have been on the hike over 200 and 100 times! Isn't that crazy someone has hiked this hike 278 times?! So I promise you can do it once :) The other cool part was all the mountains and 14'ers listed along the border, it included the elevation and how far away they were.

Most of those mountains listed can be seen from here! It is so cool, especially if you have climbed one of the surrounding 14'ers! Colorado is a true beauty. 

My mom is my favorite hiking buddy! She is a hiking and walking queen. Walking or hiking once a week can seriously improve your health so get outside! Plus with views like these how can you not go outside?!

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how to get here

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You will be driving East on C470 and will take the Santa Fe Exit. From here you will drive 10 miles  and then turn on Rampart Road, which is a dirt road, for 9.8 miles before arriving at a sign pointing down for Devils Head. This narrow road will lead you to the parking lot and trail head. The trail head is clearly marked and provides halfway signs and other signage at the fire cabin and stairs. 


This hike can be cool so bring a light jacket or warm clothes if you get extra cold! Always have plenty of water and snacks are always a good idea! Always stay on the trail and never stray away.

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